Soul Renew and Refresh




If you are a woman who is wanting to reconnect with yourself and have tried praying, meditation, and various other types of self-care, but it hasn’t filled the hunger for a tangible spiritual connection to your soul, then this is the option for you! This type of holistic support will bring you relaxation, decreased physical pain and anxiety. You will reach another level of love and compassion for yourself, a heightened sense of hope and joy in your life and the exhilaration of more fulfillment.

Offered By:Lisa Bolton

What I am offering:

Two 33 minute Distance Reiki treatments, each month. A total of 6 sessions.

Each session includes:

  • 33 minute Distance Reiki treatment- on the phone with me or zoom if you are international.The Distance Reiki treatment will include integration and unique intuitive heart guidance.  Most of my clients prefer that I lead them through the experience, letting them know what I am receiving and providing guided imagery.  If you prefer silence, I am happy to accommodate you.  This treatment is about you receiving what feels really good to you.


Energetic support:  Twice a week, I will send you an 11 minute distance Reiki healing. Once completed, I will then send a texted heart message with what was received for you.

This is a 3-month program that can be used as a twice a month treatment per month or in any way you would like.