Lisa Bolton
I have been on a journey to cultivate a deeply soulful life for many years. At age 19, a pivotal experience occurred while studying at a library at the Ohio State University. I suddenly felt incredible waves of joy, love, peace, and forgiveness for myself and others. This unexpected gift of revelation allowed me to KNOW that I was not alone. It changed my life. From that moment on, I wanted to experience more of that bliss!
Over the years, I have been committed to growing in my relationship with God and others. I study the Course in Miracles, practice meditation, yoga and am trained in several energy healing modalities. I used all the wisdom I acquired to enhance my 33-year career in nursing. I decided to start my own business to support kind, intelligent women who excel in the helping professions but are craving more peace and struggle with overwhelm. As a result of our time together, they feel safe to be seen, heard, and supported and develop skills to connect with themselves and follow their intuition.
Showing all 4 results
Akashic Record Consultation
$150.00 Offered By: Lisa Bolton -
Reiki Support Workshops
$22.00 – $66.00 Offered By: Lisa Bolton -
Spa Soul Treatments for You “Reiki Spa Session Heal the Soul”
$222.00 Offered By: Lisa Bolton -
$222.00 – $1,425.00 Offered By: Lisa Bolton