Experience with Reiki By Martha Jensen Imagine -, lying on a treatment table, ready to relax. A practitioner begins by placing their hands lightly on your head, and as feelings of pulsations flow over your body, you drift away to a quiet place deep within. Although everyone has a different energy work experience, this is what I felt with my first Reiki session. My first (and most memorable) experience with energy work came from trading massage with a colleague. The therapist was almost finished with my session when she held the back of my head and became very still for a few seconds. As she moved to completion, I asked, "Wow, what was that?" She seemed a little surprised but answered, "Oh, that must have been the Reiki." That was a sign that Energy work was in my future. Another early experience came during a massage training course. A partner had worked too hard on my jaw, and she said, "Let me do Reiki on it." Within seconds, I felt a slight electric buzz between her hand and my cheek. The pain was gone. I was hooked and wanted to learn more.

Experience with Reiki

By Martha Jensen

Imagine -, lying on a treatment table, ready to relax.

A practitioner begins by placing their hands lightly on your head, and as feelings of pulsations flow over your body, you drift away to a quiet place deep within. Although everyone has a different energy work experience, this is what I felt with my first Reiki session.

My first (and most memorable) experience with energy work came from trading massage with a colleague. The therapist was almost finished with my session when she held the back of my head and became very still for a few seconds. As she moved to completion, I asked, “Wow, what was that?” She seemed a little surprised but answered, “Oh, that must have been the Reiki.” That was a sign that Energy work was in my future.

Another early experience came during a massage training course. A partner had worked too hard on my jaw, and she said, “Let me do Reiki on it.” Within seconds, I felt a slight electric buzz between her hand and my cheek. The pain was gone. I was hooked and wanted to learn more.

It is hard to explain the sensation that came over me-it was a connection to self, something more profound or spiritual. I felt a lightness floating in the air, no pain and no heaviness from my physical body. There were no mental or emotional thoughts or feelings weighing me down in those brief seconds, and I wanted that feeling to last longer than just a few moments.

I will do my best to explain Reiki; however, each person has a different experience perceiving and responding to any energy work.

Most practitioners and clients say experiencing it is the best way to comprehend what it is. It is a gentle, very subtle flow of energy, relaxing, calming, and meditative; this is why it helps with stress reduction.  These effects are known to aid in healing and improve the results of any medical treatment.

Reiki is an ancient form of oriental healing.

The word Reiki (pronounced ray-key) comes from two Japanese words.

Rei – means universal (the most straightforward version); a more profound meaning is higher or spiritual consciousness.

Ki – is life energy (Ki, Chi-in Chinese, Prana-in Sanskrit, there are many different names in other cultures, all meaning the same, life energy)

As long as something is alive, life force energy flows; the life force leaves when it dies. Low or restricted life force energy opens vulnerability to illness. High, free-flowing energy helps us stay more balanced. “Rei” (spiritual based) is what guides the “Ki” (life energy), so Reiki energy is guided by Spirit. It describes, more closely, what people experience during a session. Reiki does not come directly from the practitioner. The practitioner allows the energy to flow through them to the person. They only receive what they need. As a practitioner, I focus my attention on the client. The body is subtly nudged into waking and remembering what it is like to be balanced, so it takes on just the right amount of energy to stabilize.

All energy healing uses Ki (life energy), but not all use Reiki. Reiki is unique healing energy learned from a Reiki Master (taking classes and becoming attuned to the Reiki energy). Anyone can learn this healing art and practice it for themselves and others (babies, animals, and plants). Once a person has become attuned to Reiki, they need only place their hands on or above themselves or another person and allow the energy to flow. Sometimes my Reiki energy will automatically start flowing when someone is in distress. Those who have been practicing Reiki for a long time tend to notice this more easily.

Reiki is all-loving, which is why I first wanted to learn it and, in turn, become a Master. It causes no harm. No one can get too much Reiki because the person receiving the session takes on only the most beneficial energy for their healing. The energy felt safe and positive (no negative energy). It is not affiliated with any specific religion because there is no belief system associated with it. Reiki is Spirit-based, not religion-based. It works for anyone if they trust and believe it will help.

Since my first Reiki training 24 years ago, I have been practicing Reiki and other energy on myself, my family, animals, plants, and other things.

If my grandchildren come to me with bumps and bruises, I wrap my hands around the injured area and allow the Reiki energy to flow. I’ve learned to tell them, “let me know when it’s better.”In a short time, they give me the signal, it’s enough, and they are up and running playfully. I have learned not to analyze it. It is what it is; I allow it to be.

I have used healing work for family members in hospitals and emergencies. One particular accident that happened was when my horse fell on me. My children rushed me to the hospital. The energy immediately started to flow from my hands, which were automatically holding my hurt rib area. I could barely breathe, and the Reiki helped keep me calm and slow down my breathing.

The x-rays reported no broken bones, so the doctor sent me home with a non-aspirin product. I tried a few of them, but they did nothing to help the pain. It was frustrating because they upset my digestion, and I couldn’t add the upset to the discomfort I already felt. I frequently ran the energy into my body over the weekend for pain relief. Monday morning, I took a trip to my Chiropractor. She worked on me while I was sitting. By the time I walked out, I was able to breathe 40% better. She also gave me EPA (fish oil capsules) for the pain. My body responded more favorably to these, and the pain eased.

After a few more treatments, the Chiropractor said that was all she could do. Now, my body needed to heal.

I’m not sure where I would have been without the constant Reiki energy to support my mental, emotional, and physical pain. I spent significant amounts of time walking all the time, holding my ribs, and allowing the energy to flow. After a time, I started slowly back to work. I am so grateful for having a flow of energy to help me through those times.

Reiki, as with other forms of energy healing, works well over distance. Think of how most of us have used the healing power of prayer faithfully. Many of us have prayed for a loved one far away, for those in hurricanes and floods, our world leaders, or world peace. In essence, it all boils down to energy that transmits through the universe from our thoughts.

We carry this knowledge into a Reiki or Energy Healing session when a practitioner sends Reiki to a client at a distance. A person experiences the same results. I use distance Reiki often with family members and whoever contacts me to help them.

There are countless hospitals, clinics, and staff that use Reiki for the benefit of their patients. Many documented case histories show how medical professionals have stepped forward, stating how Reiki has helped in their practices. Some look upon Reiki as being nonsensical. One reason is that they have trouble analyzing this practice when there is no tangible substance to hold or dissect. There are more and more studies that conclude how Reiki is helping people. I know what it does for me, and any interested person can discover what works for them.

I discovered many different energy healing forms during my massage and energy work practice, mainly through classes. It was a journey that allowed me to realize my own healing needs that inspired me to learn.

Reiki is the energy modality I have known the longest and used the most. Some people gravitate towards one form of energy healing, while others might like the benefits in a different type. That is precisely how it should be. Everyone is on their path. Each person has their chemistry, history, lessons to learn, and healing to be done. Trust in yourself that what is beneficial for you will be there when you need it.

I hope you enjoyed learning about Reiki. Would you please share this information if you know someone who would benefit from this?

Learn more about Martha Jensen 

If you are interested in learning Holy Fire ® Reiki, Martha Jensen and Lisa Bolton have a class starting October 14th.  Learn more